Monday, November 8, 2010

Longings !

It's been long we parted
Long they've had greeted me
Smiles, joy and bliss...
It isn't d craving which talks about
You're just another thing
The senses say 'ey lately miss...

It's been long we parted
Long the crimson organ's been
Turned to nothing but speiss...
It's not just death's beloved
Lonesome rolls on, even a breather
Gets sifted thru'a gneiss...

Time changed us, itself waited still
Black is the hue the desires prefer
Partings being rife...
With the due adieu you sent my way
The war and care, tears all kinds
Wrapped up all 'eir strife...

We changed us, time was on its own
Only timeliness of saying it flipped
Sentiments being the blunt knife...
Denials drown as the organ pounds
Shamelessness hurt I want it aloud
They call it kiss, and I, a life...

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