Thursday, September 26, 2013

Autumn Zephyr

Love is in the air
And the air in dance of a scented breeze
That has touched your skin,
Kissed ur lips, caressed ur hair
And brought your smell to me...

Wednesday, July 10, 2013


You're the queen of mie inner kingdom,
Only you get to reign over mie gold...
Just let me rest in your arms,
As rests mie allegiance to your soul

Picture Courtesy: Google Images - Gustav Klimt 'Kiss'

Friday, April 5, 2013


i'm as young as the first ray of the sun
i'm as ancient as a civilization extinct
i'm as true as a little river on its run
i'm as spurious as a fallacy's instinct 

i'm as attached as the womb to a foetus
i'm as distant as an orbit to the comet runaway 
i'm as alive as affection animus
i'm as deceased as a phoenix's birthray

Picture Courtesy - & Tarr Daniel

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Tales Within, Tales Untold

stories that murmur
vulnerability of desires,
and stories that whisper
sweet old mockery
of dreams intangible...

in a castle, claustrophobic --
once who used to rule
destinies, fantasies and affections
is left a commoner, a pauper dethroned...

i'm too pricey to be pitied
i'm too old to be owned